Our registered address is FK IT PARTIES. FK IT TRAVEL. Calle Lepanto 22, locals 4-15. Benidorm, 03503. Spain.
CIF number B54732078
Travel agency/Travel agency wholesaler license number CV-Mm1830-A
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Payments by PayPal can be paid sent to our PayPal account which is accounts@fkitparties.com (Please note that all payment sent via PayPal must include an additional 4% PayPal charge)
When sending your payment please also include your full name as reference to your booking and any information possible.
Deposits and Balance’s
A single deposit will secure your entire package, activity and group so you can pay your balance later. Please refer to your personal events manager for more detailed information on your personalized offer.
Terms and Conditions.
Please check our terms and conditions and be advised that your acceptance is confirm upon sending any payment. Click here to view our Terms and conditions
Our registered address is FK IT PARTIES. FK IT TRAVEL. Calle Lepanto 22, locals 4-15. Benidorm, 03503. Spain.
CIF number B54732078
Travel agency/Travel agency wholesaler license number CV-Mm1830-A